
How To Get Rid Of Spray Tan

There is something slightly terrifying about waking up the morning after a professional spray tan session, the scent of DHA drifting through the air, and finding that instead of the soft-focus-Gisele bronze of your dreams, you have, in fact, developed an assortment of patchy sheet-induced streaks.

Of course, even the most careful misting or fully mitted application can result in orange-tinged palms, knees, or feet, where fake color tends to build up on dry skin. I learned this lesson a few weeks ago when a string of (ahem, research-driven) spray tans went awry: After attempting to loofah off the evidence in the shower for what felt like dozens of minutes, clock ticking toward time-to-leave-for-the-office, I dipped into my emergency product arsenal and pulled out AmorePacific's Treatment Enzyme Peel—a superfine powder that worked surprisingly well to polish away the stains on my skin.

A quick product search soon revealed that self-tan pro James Read makes a similar cream version specifically for color maintenance and removal. And an impromptu survey around the Vogue offices revealed dozens of additional tricks. "In my experience, the best way of removing a tan entirely is happily also the most all-around therapeutic thing you can do for yourself—especially if you're freaking out about a bad fake tan. Just steam for ten to fifteen minutes, or longer, if you need some decompression. Then exfoliate all over with a mitt, dry off, and moisturize," says Fashion News Editor Alessandra Codinha. "You'll be streak-free, soft all over, and ready to try again."

Vogue Associate Market Editor Alexandra Michler swears that, if you're already at the beach, a quick dip in the ocean does the trick ("the saltwater really helps"). Should that fail, a session with a Bronze Buffer pad, followed by Sphatika's Bulgarian Rose Oil to rehydrate is Vogue Associate Accessories Editor Grace Fuller's secret weapon. And she may be on to something: According to Miami native and Beauty Assistant Jenna Rennert, "self tanner and oil hate each other." She dabs Rodin's Olio Lusso on the spot, then uses a tough washcloth to lighten dark spots on elbows and wrists.

But for the definitive answer, I turned to a professional: St. Tropez in-house self-tanning whiz Sophie Evans, who, having perfected the golden limbs of Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham, has significant street cred. "Mix lemon juice with a little baking soda or baby oil. Saturate the skin with the mixture, then let it sit for about five minutes before removing with a cleansing wipe—this will erase the tan entirely," she says. Her other favorite method: "A hair removal cream like Veet. Just do a patch test first to see if your skin can handle it without sensitivity. You can leave it on for up to six minutes— that will remove the self-tan completely. To simply lighten the color, leave it on for about three minutes." Rinse, dry—and rejoice in the sight of your non-streaky self.

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Photo: Courtesy of

AmorePacific Treatment Enzyme Peel, $60;

How To Get Rid Of Spray Tan


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