
How To Get A Virgo Man To Like You

How To Get A Virgo Man To Like You (10 Killer Tips!)

Umeh Obianuju Frances

ways to get a virgo man to like you featured image

Developing feelings for someone can be one of the most exciting journeys you ever embark on. The uncertainty of finding out whether they will return your feelings is both terrifying and amazing.

Clearly, you'll have to put some sort of effort into communicating your interest and getting them to return it, but first, there are important things to consider.

Astrology determines a lot about the way p eople are built and the way they act. If your crush is a man who falls under the Virgo sign, then this article will help you figure out what kind of person he is and if he's worth the time that you'll put into getting him to return your feelings.

but first, I'd like to bring it to your notice that this article is a very detailed one which means that it is very lengthy. So I would recommend you just >>CLICK HERE<< to go and watch a shorter video version of the secret obsession that will trigger any man (even a Virgo man) to fall for you…

but if you'd prefer to read this long version of what I have to share with you about making Virgo men fall in love, then just read on,

The first place to start is to determine the qualities of every Virgo man. I'll talk about them below.

Qualities of a Virgo man!

qualities of a virgo man

These are simple qualities that will help you understand exactly the type of person that your Virgo man is, the same as other signs like Cancer, Aries, and other signs.

There are standout signs that speak out to how Virgo men will react to certain situations. Learning the qualities of men born with this star sign will go a long way towards helping you understand why he acts the way he does and help you predict his reactions.

Virgo men are those who are born within 23 August and 22 September. Interestingly, September is also the most popular month for babies to be born.

They are reliable, hardworking, and can be a fountain of healing for other people, especially those that they care about. Some of the most stand out features of Virgo men are:

He is a highly social person.

If you're antisocial, you may want to think twice about dating a Virgo man as one of the prominent features of a Virgo man is that he is highly social. He loves being around other people, whether it is at parties or at hangouts with friends. One reason for this is that Virgos love to listen for new and fantastic new ideas. He will probably also like salacious gossip. Where else to get it than from parties and hangouts with other people?

He is very critical.

Stay away from a Virgo man if you are sensitive. Virgos can be very critical of themselves and others, even to the point of being labeled nags. They can also be very demanding of their partners. If this is something that turns you off, its time to move on.

He is very practical.

Virgos have an analytical eye that they apply to even the tiniest parts of their lives, even dating. Before they pick a new partner, they consider if they're ready to have a relationship and if they have enough in common with you to start a relationship with you.

If they don't see themselves dating you, they won't waste your time. Going into this, at least you'll be sure that you won't be wasting your precious time.

He is focused and observant.

Of all the zodiac signs, Virgos are the most observant. From the moment you meet a Virgo man, you'll notice that he is studying you. This is because Mercury, which is closest to the Virgos' sun has the benefit of being able to see all the other planets in the solar system.

Virgos always go straight to the point. When they encounter a problem, they will do their research and find the most practical way to solve it. You can always depend on a Virgo man for stability during times of crisis.

He's fiercely independent.

While Virgos tend to be labeled control freaks, that's simply not true. They just prefer to make their own decisions for themselves. They will sometimes retreat into themselves in order to think about certain things. If you let him have this space, he will be more present in the relationship and will appreciate you as an understanding partner.

Now that I know that you know what every Virgo man has in common, lets now look at the goods and bads that come with dating Virgo men so that you will make up your mind before we then walk you through the 10 things that you have to do to get a Virgo man to fall in love with you.

I will start with the pros and after that, I'll talk about the cons!

Pros of dating a Virgo man!

Figuring out whether a new person will be a perfect partner for you is not as easy as you're probably thinking. There are several hurdles to cross and many things to consider before jumping into a new relationship.

However, few relationships will be as interesting as any that you will have with a Virgo man. Before putting all your efforts into attracting a partner, you have to find out things about them that will help you form a clearer picture of the type of person that they might be. Consider the pros of dating a Virgo man below:

They are not pretentious.

Whatever you see with a Virgo man is what you get. He never makes promises that he can't keep and he knows how to keep his integrity in check. If there's a star sign that will never disappoint you in romantic relationships, then its the Virgo man.

They are reliable.

For some men, professing feelings comes easily and without too much thought. This is not the case for the Virgo man. However, this also means that when he finally says it, you'll be able to believe that what he feels is real.

Virgo men are also stable and secure, and won't abandon you during trying times.

They are very loyal.

If you end up dating a Virgo man, it means that he consciously chose you, not because he needs you but because he wants you. He will dedicate a lot of effort into making you feel special and will never cheat.

He falls in love with all his heart.

Virgo men are very careful and deep thinkers. They don't just develop feelings for every woman that they meet. So if your Virgo man falls in love with you, he does with great intensity.

He has a wonderful memory.

A Virgo man will not forget things about you, like anniversaries or your birthday, or that one time you told him about the mole on your leg. If you're bad at remembering things, you can tell him and he'll definitely remember.

A downside to this is that he rarely forgets negative words said during heated moments. You have to think carefully about the things you say during arguments in order to prevent a gradual breakdown of your relationship.

Cons of dating a Virgo man!

As with everything in life, there are two sides to a coin. Virgo men may be amazing people to be with but they still have their negatives and these things can make it hard to imagine dating a Virgo man.

Some of these points may be too drastic for you to consider and you may realize that he is not the man for you. This can cause you to abandon the chase altogether and turn your sights to men of other temperaments. Before you make rash decisions though, consider the cons and see if they are things that you can tolerate, then make your decision.

He can be overly quiet.

From time to time, he will need to take some time to himself. This can be frustrating if you are someone who loves communicating and always wants to talk to your partner.

During arguments, he will be very reluctant to talk things over, preferring to remain quiet. The process of getting him to talk things over can be quite difficult but will prove to be rewarding in the long run if you can manage to coax him out of his shell.

He tends to worry a lot.

Virgo men are highly sensitive people, and when you get close to him, you will find out about this part of him. He will worry about the world and about you and then proceed to nitpick you about the things you should be but aren't. To date a Virgo man, you will need to be patient with this part of him.

He is very critical of himself and others.

The Virgo man is highly observant. This means that he will notice the little things about you and about himself that others don't see. He also won't hold his thoughts back. He will tell you the things you need to improve about yourself in very direct terms and that can hurt. If you have thin skin, it can make you feel inadequate. You mustn't take it personally, though, as this is something he also does to himself too.

He is very judgemental towards other people.

Virgo men think the world of themselves and are often of the opinion that others have abundant flaws. If you point out his own flaws though, he may take it the wrong way and think you're judging him. He will not take this well.

He obsesses over things.

There are some people that can mention something to you then forget about that thing, secure in the knowledge that they have let you know about it. The Virgo man is not like this. Every time he does, you need to let him know that he's being overly obsessive about the situation. Over time, he'll learn to be more relaxed.

10 Things To Do To Get Any Virgo Man To Like You!

ways to get virgo man

Now that you have decided that the Virgo man is the one for you, you're definitely curious about how to get him to reciprocate your feelings for him. Virgo men are simple men with simple needs in their partners. They like their women to be supportive, honest, and to be a true partner in every sense of the word.

The hardest part of your journey will be the act of getting the Virgo man to notice you. After that, you can expect a slow and patient courtship as you both get to know each other. At the end of this, what you'll get is a loyal and dedicated man who will completely fall in love with you.

Some of the best ways to get a Virgo man to like you are:

1. Take care of your appearance:

Virgo men are very critical and careful about the women that they fall in love with. If you want to attract a Virgo man, then dressing sloppily is not going to do it. Take care to carefully pick your outfits and ensure that they are clean and well put together.

2. Don't overdo things:

Virgo men like things direct and simple. As earlier stated, they are practical and logical. An excessive display of emotion, especially too early is sure to turn him away from you. If you overreact to things, he can also think that you're pretending, something the will definitely hate.

3. Always be honest to him:

Your Virgo man will never lie to you; he will always give you the facts as they are. Sometimes, that can come across as being too harsh, but it's just how he is. He also expects that from you. Try to be honest about everything. If he ever catches you in a moment of dishonesty, then you should know that it is over as he will immediately cancel you from his mind.

4. Avoid overt displays of emotion:

If you're the type who has bouts of mood swings, then you should reconsider trying to get a Virgo man to develop feelings for you. One of the most disliked things by Virgo men is overt displays of emotion.

A Virgo man is mature in his personality and since he is the practical type, he wants a partner that is his match. He would never let himself develop feelings for someone who often gives in to her emotions, especially at odd times.

5. Don't be afraid to share your opinions:

While the Virgo man loves to debate, he can't possibly have a discussion by himself. Don't be afraid to share your opinions on things, especially when they don't agree with you. These debates will strengthen the bond between you if he sees that he has found his match in you.

Read widely and impress him with your knowledge of wide topics like politics, economics, and finance. You can also try to start stimulating discussions with him. He will definitely appreciate it.

6. Cook him a good meal:

The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Virgo men are usually traditional and conservative, so if you are a good cook, then you should definitely unearth those skills and impress him.

You don't have to make fancy, restaurant type meals. All you need to do is to cook a simple meal that tastes amazing. Remember that Virgo men are critical. If he finds it wanting, he won't hesitate to point out your errors. So play to your strengths.

7. Be organized:

Virgo men appreciate a woman who is tidy and knows how to clean up after herself. If you decide to invite him over for a meal, then ensure that your home looks organized and clean and that nothing is out of place. He is highly observant, so whether you or he notices it or not, he will be looking around your surroundings.

The slightest thing can put him off. So, while it can be faster to tuck things here and there, its best to do a thorough job. You can also hire someone to help you with the cleaning.

Just ensure that whenever he comes over, your home looks organized and clean. It's not advisable to change yourself for a man, however, so if you're not a domestic goddess, you may want to rethink your choice of man. If this works out, you will have to keep up with this ruse for a long time.

8. Be supportive:

A Virgo man is highly critical and not just of others. He also notices his flaws and is usually insecure about them. Show him that you're a wonderful partner by encouraging him in his goals.

9. Let him take the lead:

Again, Virgo men are traditional men. They love to take the lead, especially in relationships. Allow him to take the initiative and make the first move.

10. Show him the fun side of life:

The mind of a Virgo man is always working, analyzing things, and thinking about his life and that of others. The fact that he's an overthinker and not particularly extroverted means that he won't get out much. This doesn't mean that he doesn't want to go out, however.

Encourage him to go out more and show him how to have fun. He'll be looking forward to seeing you.


Virgo men are one of the most amazing set of people to date. They are reliable and dependable and are very easy to please as long as you take the time to understand them. While some have accused them of being overly self-absorbed and too negative, you will find that they are simply misunderstood.

The most compatible signs for Virgo men are Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio. If you happen to fall into one of these signs, then half your work is already done.

However, if you are a Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, or an Aquarius sign, then you should know that these signs are among the least compatible with Virgo men. If you love a challenge, however, you should go for it.

10 Ways To Get Any Virgo Man (Summary!)

  1. Take care of your appearance
  2. Don't overdo things
  3. Always be honest to him
  4. Avoid overt displays of emotion
  5. Don't be afraid to share your opinions
  6. Cook him a good meal
  7. Be organized
  8. Be supportive
  9. Let him take the lead
  10. Show him the fun side of life.

Hope you enjoyed this article. Thanks for reading!

How To Get A Virgo Man To Like You


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