
How To Make Extra Money As A Respiratory Therapist

Average Respiratory Therapist Salary By State

The darker areas on the map show where respiratory therapists earn the highest salaries beyond all 50 states.

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Respiratory Therapist average salary by State

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Highest Paying Cities For Respiratory Therapist

How much does a Respiratory Therapist make?

The average Respiratory Therapist bacon is $54,352 per year, or $26.13 per hour, in the United States. People on the lower end of that spectrum, the lesser 10% to be exact, brand roughly $36,000 a year, while the superlative 10% makes $81,000. As virtually things get, location tin can be critical. Alaska, California, New York, Hawaii, and Washington provide the highest Respiratory Therapist salaries.

Average Respiratory Therapist Salary Over Time

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Average JOB Bacon by Field

Respiratory Therapist Salary

A respiratory supervisor is tasked with the job of administering life support and respiratory therapy to patients with abnormalities, deficiencies, and injuries of the cardiopulmonary system. They work under the supervision of the physician in accuse. They monitor patients' conditions and written report to the medical team or nurses. Their duties and responsibilities as well include assigning, training, supervising, and counseling employees.

84,750 Respiratory Therapist Jobs

Staff Therapist

Avg. salary: $59,556

A staff therapist is someone who assists in the treatment of patients using electrical stimulation, practice, and other means of electrotherapy to regain their bodily functions. The core skills that a staff therapist should possess to achieve their responsibilities include a groovy eye for details and excellent mathematical and trouble-solving skills. The task's didactics requirements include completing a physical therapy program and possessing a available's caste in medical technician, concrete work, occupational therapy, or a related field.

86,818 Staff Therapist Jobs

Respiratory Supervisor

Avg. salary: $62,971

A respiratory supervisor is tasked with the job of administering life support and respiratory therapy to patients with abnormalities, deficiencies, and injuries of the cardiopulmonary organisation. They work under the supervision of the physician in charge. They monitor patients' conditions and report to the medical team or nurses. Their duties and responsibilities also include assigning, training, supervising, and counseling employees.

19,081 Respiratory Supervisor Jobs

Job Openings

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Which Companies Pay Respiratory Therapists The Well-nigh?

If yous insist on knowing when your cheque is going to come and for how much, then y'all'd be better off working for companies like Hendricks Regional Health and Connally Memorial Medical Center every bit they offer the highest salaries for Respiratory Therapists.

How much should yous get paid?

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Recently Added Respiratory Therapist Salaries

Average Respiratory Therapist Bacon by Demographic

Respiratory Therapist Gender Pay Gap



Gender Income
Male person $58,109
Female $53,566

Median Respiratory Therapist Income past Race

Asian Respiratory Therapists accept the highest average salary compared to other ethnicities. Black or African American Respiratory Therapists have the lowest boilerplate salary at $53,266.







Black or African American

Ethnicity Salary
White $53,677
Black or African American $53,266
Asian $61,540
Hispanic or Latino $55,173

Average Respiratory Therapist Bacon by Educational activity Level







Some College/ Associate Caste

Education Salary
Bachelor's Degree $57,085
Some Higher/ Associate Degree $53,566

Respiratory Therapist Salaries FAQs

What is a good starting salary for a Respiratory Therapist?

A good starting salary for a respiratory therapist is $36,000 in the United States. That puts you lot in the 10th percentile of annual income for a respiratory therapist in the U.Due south., which is most what yous would await if you were new to the field. The average salary for respiratory therapists is $54,352, but that normally requires some level of feel to achieve. Furthermore, a good starting salary for a respiratory therapist can vary by state.

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Do respiratory therapists make practiced money?

Yeah, respiratory therapists make good money. A respiratory therapist makes $62,500 a yr on average, which is roughly $10,000 higher than the national boilerplate.

A respiratory therapist can brand anywhere between $54,000 and $75,000, with outliers on either side. This may also vary by country, as California's average salary for a respiratory therapist is roughly $fourscore,000.

The state and your location can significantly affect the amount of money you will make equally a respiratory therapist, as more rural states such as Kentucky only average out to effectually $l,000.

Large metropolitan areas tend to pay the best, though that is non to say it is impossible to carve out a living as a respiratory therapist, equally they are e'er in need at nearly hospitals.

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How much do RRTs make an hour?

Registered respiratory therapists make $31/hr on average. This pay charge per unit is heavily dependent on the land in which the RRT practices, equally more than metropolitan locations, tend to pay much college as opposed to rural areas. Depending on location and practice, you can expect to earn as low as $19/hr or up to as loftier every bit $68/hr.

The average RRT will find themselves somewhere within the $25-$35 per hr range, simply in that location is always room for growth. A non-registered respiratory therapist will earn significantly less, as work is harder to notice and the land does not recognize you as someone who tin do on their own.

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How much does a respiratory therapist start out making?

A respiratory therapist starts out making $58,000 a year. Respiratory therapists can look to make anywhere between $fifty,000-$60,000 a twelvemonth, depending on the land in which they are practicing.

The salary will vary significantly depending on how rural or metropolitan the land is, with cities in California paying as much equally $70,000 for an entry-level respiratory therapist.

Starting as a respiratory therapist, you lot shouldn't expect to exist making a large amount of money considering, at this point, you are likely working mainly for the experience.

A respiratory therapist tin boost their income past a meaning margin by becoming registered, which requires you to accumulate a certain amount of experience within the field, along with passing a certification exam.

A registered respiratory therapist in California will make closer to $80,000 a year, $10,000 more than than someone who is entry-level.

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What is the salary for a respiratory therapist?

The average salary for a respiratory therapist is $62,500 a year. On average, a respiratory therapist volition make $62,500 a year, which is roughly $10,000 college than the national wage average.

The salary for a respiratory therapist may vary heavily based upon the state in which they practice and which division of the field they choose.

States with larger metropolitan populations tend to value respiratory therapists higher, while more rural areas tend to pay less or push button the duties onto other nurses within the field.

The average salary for a respiratory therapist in California is $80,000, with jobs in areas such as San Francisco and Los Angeles paying upward to $85,000. Meanwhile, more rural states such as Kentucky simply boilerplate out to around $l,000.

Given a respiratory therapist'south experience and specialization, they can work in numerous unlike medical care fields, which can likewise impact the size of the salary.

Someone who thrives in a high-stress, fast-paced surround may cull to work in an ICU or trauma ward inside a infirmary, while others may opt for a more rehabilitative chore, such as a physical therapy clinic.

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